Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Team uniforms just around the corner

So, today was a day when we had to discuss team clothing, no putting it off. The girls are all really jazzed about team track suits and this is fine, I just wanted to find something that is not crazy expensive and another painful expense for families. I should be able to get them all into an American Apparel track suit for under $60./screened and taxes. The type above will be on both the track suit and the seasonal t's.

That track suit cost will be cheaper than the custom Agon suit we are working on. Girls wanted a change from the Turbo's we had last year as they were crap. Lots of zippers and seams ripped, not 1 or 2, more like 40%. Plus, the cut is such that many have trouble keeping their top half in the suit and that is a hassle girls don't need to deal with. Agon is doing some sample art for us now so I can show parents what they are paying for.

Boys remain fully committed to Turbo, only a few seam faults with their suits. Likely something to do with how small they wear them and how little material there is to fail. However, being teens, they do want to change the style from last year. Never wear the same thing for more than 1 season, until it is "classic" then rules change. Whatever, small price to pay for team unity and group happiness.

Tonight I taught the Cadet Boys the basics of the defense I used as a young coach when I first qualified an Ontario club team for the National Junior Championships (1980 or so). This was a full blocking zone, no real movement, and it was based on the strength of goaltender Erika Dutz. Let me see if I can remember the names of the other key players - Glenys Cavers, Wendy Waterhouse, Julie Braun, Beatrice Arroyas, Agnes Vaguhelyi, a younger Cavers - Brenda I think, Karen Baldwin (or was she already Miss Universe by then?), Jean Janzen and there were others but I don't remember all who played that exact year.

Getting back to that defense, it was 6 players inside 4m and between the posts. 1 on each post at the goal line with outside arms blocking, 1 inside each of those players at 2m, and 2 more just inside 4m side by side in the centre of the goal. The Youth guys shot against that today for about 15 minutes and scored very little. The Cadets had only limited correction, just let them figure it out on their own. It may show up in a game here or there, just for fun, but using it too often would give teams a chance to find gaps and gain confidence to shoot at them. Carson will love to play this system too.

This Monday will be a rare weeknight off for me, new public holiday. I am already thinking about what to cook the family for supper. That is one activity I really miss since having changed my practice routine from after 8:00pm to the current before 8:00pm.

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